VOGUE Kalpesh Lathigra, Theo De Gueltzl
VOGUE François Halard
PORT MAGAZINE Kalpesh Lathigra
Kalpesh Lathigra studied photography at the London College of Printing and began his career in photojournalism at The Independent. He is currently working for leading international magazines on documentary and portraiture assignments alongside commercial and long term projects between India, London and the USA. His first book “Lost in the Wilderness” was named as one of the books of the year by Sean O’Hagan, critic at The Guardian. Kalpesh’s’ work was featured in several selected exhibitions like the Brighton Photo Biennale and received prestigious awards including the 1st prize Arts at World Press Photo.
M Le Monde, De Zeit, The Financial Times, B.A.M, Christies, The New York Times, The Telegraph and Conde Nast.